Blorid-PFS feed supplement helps to maintain a disease free State, delays the ageing process, maintain the growth and improves health, aid as natural Adaptive, promotes FCR, Early Weight gain, stimulate body tissues, enhances rejuvenation process and overall Improves immunity. It is highly effective against Influenza group viruses, Adeno group viruses, Mereks disease, IBD, IB, Ranikhet Disease, Fowl pox and Reovirus Infections. It contains various herbs and natural ingredients as well various research base molecules. It helps in removing stress as it has very high level of vitamins in it In addition, it helps in curing respiratory tract from any kind of blockage and killing various bacterial as well fungal agents. Through Research it has been proven that Biorid-PFS can very effectively reduce the viral load in bird and have significant effect in controlling mortality. Biorid-PFS is a unique blend of natural phytogenic molecules ht & bioactive feed additives designed for optimum ovarian health. Its ensures ovarian functions. FCR and Egg production.

Biorid-PFS usage drastically improves egg productions, increase specific clutch size, improvement in peak laying br period, promotes egg quality like increase yolk Weight pro increase specific gravly improve egg shell thickness decrease mortality and finally improves in egg mass and egg weight.

Basil Gantic Simerin,, Shilajt Aswagandha and Orgeno, Yeast Complex, Organe Chroniun. Zine fortified with other mintas viz. Manganese Cobalt Selenum)

For Layers and Broilers: 250-50

For Breeders: 500gms - 1kg


Powder: 1Kg

  • Helps in improving, developing immunity & growth.
  • Helps to promote feed and nutrient absorption.
  • Reduces recovery period from disease.
  • Improves vaccination efficiency.
  • Effective against all types of viral outbreaks.
  • Highly effective against various types of stress.
  • Contains natural composition hence very safe & no residual effect.
  • Stimulates ovary & helps maximize.
  • Improves nutrients absorption.
  • Increase fertility & hatchability in breeders, Helps maintain peak production for long time.
  • At advanced age of layers and breeders when ovarian function is compromised.
  • During diseases and stress that adversely affect ovarian function, hence egg production and hatchability
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